Yes finally ı can write my article. I HAD A BİG NEWS FOR MY FOLLOWER . As you know ı had a big dream about Korea. Always wanted to go there for a once in my life. Manytimes ı cried for this reason and ı prayed to God(Allah). And ı believe He will accept my dream one day. And today you can see GOD İS BİG ! and ıf you want honestly from God, he will give you. Coz ı am going to go to KOREA on 6 september ... YESSS ı cant believe too but it is real. ı got my passport my ticket. Everything is okey for my trip.Just waiting for my flight day. Somebody said ''how can you go there ? coz ı know korea before you for long time''. It is not about time! ıt is about honestly to God in your pray. I really wanted and pray every second every day. And ı believed to God with my all heart and today he gave me this chance ! THNAKS TO GOD AND TO MY FAMİLY. İN THE A LOT OF BOTHER , THEY TRİED TO SEND ME KOREA. I am thanksfull to them !
Anyway ı will talked about my trip ,little bit:) My flight is on 6 september 4 pm from Turkey. And ı will be there 7 september 8am. I will stay there for 25 days.And ı will go back 1 october from Korea. For now It is enough. ı will write about my trip again =) follow me ^^
my passport
my money for my ticket =)
And my TİCKET TO KOREAAA (asiana airlines)