21 Nisan 2011 Perşembe

Koreden yeni bir koli daha:D I got new parcel from korea:D

Dün yeni bir kolim geldi Koreden , bu kez çook sevdiğim bir ablam yollamış içinde bir sürü yiyecek var :) Kimchi ramen koymuş üstelik:) Çok lezzetliydi:)Teşekkürler unni

Yesterday I got a new parcel from korea:) This time It is sent by my lovely Unni:)She is so polite, she put a lot of snacks. alsooooo KİMCHİ RAMEN! ıt was delicious!!:)Thnks unni:)

kore kozmetiği harika! korean cosmetic is perfect!

Kore kozmetiği harika! Yatmadan önce koreli arkadaşımın gönderdiği kozmetik ürünlerini deneyip yatayım dedım ve birini açtım. Bir baktım fondoten rengi.Sürdüm yüzüme, ve şu an aynayı elimden bırakamıyorum! Krem mi fondoten mı anlamadım ama yüzümü harika yaptı.Yumuşacık , pürüzsüz ve biraz açık renk....Kesinlikle ne olduğunu bilmesemde aynısından istiyorum!~~

Korean cosmetiz is perfect.Before sleeping,I tried to cosmetic product that my korean friend sent to me.It seem foundation cream but ı am not sure. Because Foundotain never made my skin perfect, but thıs product made my skin PERFECT!EVEN IF I DONT KNOW WHAT İS THİS , I REALLY WANT TO BUY BİG ONE :)

18 Nisan 2011 Pazartesi


I got a mail! And opened ıt~~~shock!!!! ı fell like in heaven!!! my precious friend~~ are you angel??? I THINK YES!!!!
Postam olduğunu öğrenince koşa koşa eve geldim, ve gördüklerim karşısında ağlamadan edemedim!!!ALLAHIM CENNETTE MİYİM??? VE SEN MELEK MİSİN CANIM??? Bana gönderdiği şeyler paha biçilemezken birde kolinin üstünde elli dolar yazıcını görünce!!! Ne kadar düşünceli olduğunu bir kere daha gördüm:( Gönderdikleri benim için kelimelerle ifade edilemezken bir de elli dolar gönderme parası vermiş ! canım benim yaaa :)
SAKIN KISKANMAYIN ( kıskanılmayacak gibi değil ama:)


 Kozmetik ürünleri cildim için:)
ÇOK KİBAR:) canım yaaa , teşekkür ederim Soo jin-ah ^^

9 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi


Some misunderstand that the affectionate relationship between the two countries started from when Turkey soldiers came to the Korean peninsula to fight for South Korea in the Korean War in 1950 but the brotherhood between the two had started far long before the war^^

As you know Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia But actually They came from asia to Mesopotamia. And ıt is well proven, Sumerians are Turk's ancestors. And also sumerians's is ancestor of some other asians (korean).It's mean actually Turks are asian people we are not europen people and we are relative with Korean and other some asians. Our ancestor came from asia to anatolia....

And other point...our language family is Altai...Look at thıs picture! All of green area is altaic language user. It's mean about relative between green asia area.why do all of us use same language family altaitic. ıt's sign of relative:)

  The Altaic peoples are a family of many races spreading from East to West. They are a melting pot of faces, history, and cultures. Their looks differ, depending on where they live.

  And Asian powe liver !The Göktürks were the first Turkic people to officially call themselves Turks. Gök both means sky and blue in the Göktürks language (Köktürk). It is most likely Göktürk means Blue Turks but another suggestion is Celestial Turks.
  Four hundred years after the collapse of northern Xiongnu power in Inner Asia, leadership of the Turks was taken over by the Göktürks after rebelling against the Turkic Altaic nomadic Juan-Juan Rouran Empire. Their leader Bumin Khan of the Ashina clan found a large empire.
  It is certificate of evidence Turkısh came from asia and relative with asian people.

C.N Blue - I'm A Loner MV

2:11 inci saniyedeki gibi bağırsam rahatlar mıyım????
Gece gece dinleyince paylaşasım geldi belki hiç izlememiş olanlar vardır:D
Ben çook severim bu şarkıyı :)

ı love this song !

5 Nisan 2011 Salı

Keep your faith . . .

I will never give up! I belıve thıs! One day ı will go to korea and I wil meet a lot of nice people in there.
Please God! Help me. Hear my prayıng,It is my the biggest dream!!!!
I dont want to die before ı cant see korea...

2 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi


알레이나 일마즈- Aleyna Yılmaz
Aman Allahım!!! Bu nasıl bir çocuk!!! Cennetten mi geldin bebeğim sen? Hayatımda gördüğüm en güzel çocuklardan biri Aleyna! Nasıl da güzel bir karışım olmuş^^ turk&kore=) Ama gerçektende Kore genleri baskın mı çıkmış ne ^^ Nasıl bir çocuk bu kadar güzel olabilir ,milyon kere Maşallah:) Bugünlerde bizim koreseverler bu hadise ile meşguller benım gıbı:d kimse bakmaya doyamıyor sanırım. Sanırım Real Kids Story Rainbow adlı çocuk programında görünüyor şu günlerde:D Yaaa kesinlikle benimde böyle bir bebeğim olsun istiyorum!!!!!!!!
Allahım bana da nasip et:D 

OH MY GOD!!!! Are you real? did you come from heaven?♥ I want to have a baby like you in my life!!! Perfect mixed! turkish&korean blood!!! I always want to look your pictures:) You make me excited^^ can i have a baby like you in the future? ^^ ohh so cute ^^ i think you must be angel , baby^^ ♥ MY ALLAH!!! PLEASE GIVE ME A BABY LIKE THIS!!! This cute baby is korean&turkish mixed , Father is turkish, mother is korean and she have an other sister who is 2 years old^^ I think It also must be so cute =) I know a lot of turkish &korean mixed baby, and they also so cute! I think it is good mixed ! :) Look at this eyes!!! This eyes are slanting like Koreans and Big like Turkish:D I wish i could be a mixed:D kidding kkkkk

Aile: Koreli anne ve Türk Baba (Türk-Koreli)
Doğum Tarihi: 14 Kasım 2006
Burcu: Akrep
Oynadığı Yapımlar:
Park Bom - You and I
Joo Jin Mo's CF
TV Shows:
Real Kids Story Rainbow

1 Nisan 2011 Cuma

Korea make me crazy !!!!

Finally ,I will be crazy !!! really!!! How can ıt be? This love is getting bigger and bigger in my heart dy by day… Every night I sleep with korea dreams. Every day I open my eyes to korea. Every second I am praying to Allah(God). Because I couldnt  come over of my korea love. I really don’t know why it is getting bigger and bigger in myheart . I am not sure why I love so much like this. But I really love korea  and I really want to live there for some time:( If I have enough money to go korea, I never stay  for a second in here…  My Allah , please make my heart  STOPPPP~
And I know Anything isn’t  as in my dreams ~
 ~ But I want to learn by myself in this life.....